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Roberson to take office Jan. 1: “Anybody is more than welcome to reach out to me with any concerns"

Sheriff-elect Dave Roberson had a 30-day plan, a 60-day plan, a 180-day plan and a one-year plan all set for his first year in office. Then the pandemic came and changed everything for local law enforcement and the Sheriff’s Office.

Despite the plans getting shaken up, Roberson remains hopeful that he’ll be able to address the four areas he promised to focus on during his campaign: relationships, recidivism, recruitment and retention, and revenue.

His chief deputy, Bob Couey, was able to come to the Sheriff’s Office in October and learn alongside former Chief Deputy Tommy McGuire, who just retired. Couey had been running the magistrate court, but said he is excited to come back to law enforcement and serve alongside Roberson.

The pair have some high hopes and plans in place for the new year, including starting a program with the U.S. Army to recruit people coming out of the military. But most importantly, they want to focus on the Sheriff’s Office’s relationship with the community and making sure the deputies’ needs are met.

Click here to read the Dec. 6 Rome News-Tribune article.

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