We have some clarifications and corrections to the print version of the Jan. 15 Rome News-Tribune article titled "A look at the campaign chests of sheriff candidates."
Here is a rundown of the finances as they stand per the Dec. 31 Campaign Contribution Disclosure Reports:
ROBERSON Total Raised (cash) - $48,013.85 Total In-kind Gifts - $3,435 Total Loans - $0 Total Raised this Period (cash) - $19,096.26 Total Spent - $20,053.94 Total Spent this Period - $9,420.67 Net Balance - $27,959.91
CALDWELL Total Raised (cash) - $58,801.91 Total In-kind Gifts - $0 Total Loans - $20,000 Total Raised this Period (cash) - $17,110.91 Total Spent - $27,589.72 Total Spent this Period - $18,188.84 Net Balance - $31,212.19
KILGO Total Raised (cash) - $48,887.05 Total In-kind Gifts - $0 Total Loans - $31,071.54 Total Raised this Period (cash) - $6,703 Total Spent - $32,200.96 Total Spent this Period - $16,424.52 Net Balance - $16,686.09
All information is public record and can be verified with the local Elections Office. I'm proud to say that I remain the only candidate who has not had to take out a loan to finance my campaign, and that is because of YOU. We have had gifts ranging from $10 to $2500 throughout the course of this campaign, and I could not be more grateful for your outpouring of support. Thank you. The RNT has since made several clarifications and corrections in the online version of the article here.